Terms & Conditions
A1 Motorcycles Ltd - trading address Unit B21 Ashmount Enterprise Park, Flint, Flintshire, CH6 5YL.
Company registration number 13974873. VAT number 420859006.
General Terms
At A1 Motorcycles we always try to ensure that our website and in store information is accurate and up to date.
We accept no responsibility for any loss which may be construed to be as a result of information contained on our website or in our store. We give no warranty to any information contained on our website or in our store.
If we find any inaccuracies or are informed of any errors we will correct these as soon as possible.
Any order placed on our website or instore will be in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Price shall mean the price quoted on the website or in store. If we find any errors with the pricing on our website or in store we will contact you before despatching your order. You will have the option to continue with the order at the accepted revised price or cancel your order.
Delivery shall mean "working days" and exclude Saturday and Sunday and public bank holidays. We will endeavour to meet the delivery time frame quoted on our product pages but accept no liability for late delivery by third party carriers but every effort will be made to try and meet the quoted delivery timescale.
Descriptions on our website we endeavour to ensure these are accurate at all times. If we find any discrepancies with description of products we will update the website asap.
Payment will be taken from your card at point of order. Goods are subject to availability and in the event we cannot fulfill your order within the delivery timeframe we will contact you and offer a full refund.
Refunds will only be given if you follow the online Returns Policy. For goods purchased in store we only offer a refund if goods are faulty this is inline with UK Consumer law.
Privacy. We are committed to protecting your privacy full details on how we collect and use the personal information you provide us can be found on our Privacy and Cookies pages.
Complaints - if for any reason you are unhappy with our service then please contact us at Customer Services with full details of your complaint and we will try and resolve your complaint immediately.